Friday, April 30, 2010

How I came up with my name

How I came up with my previous blog, Laney's Desk, is a interesting story. I love this book "Kansas Home" which has a story about a girl name Elaine in it. She is nicknamed Laney in the story. And I just love that nickname! Laney just sounds so pioneer-like! I still may keep that blog, if I can figure out how to fix it. I may ask Sean if she'd mind fixing it for me. I can't figure it out!

How did I come up with Pioneer Writer?! Well, that story is rather simple! I love the 18oo's and anything that's in it! my favorite books to read are all 18oo's based and a good many my favorite movies are based in the 18oo's also. That's where Pioneer comes in. Writer comes from, well, you should be able to figure that one out!

Anyways, I have a picture posting blog on xanga, come and see-- messyinvermont.

That's it for tonight.
Happy writing!

1 comment:

  1. Sure thing girlie, I will help ya as much as I can. I may draft V to help as well. You know me I'm not ober techy, but I try. Just let me know when you want me to fiddle around with it.

